The University of Padova, the second oldest in Italy, hosted the kick-off meeting of the ECOSTAR initiative. 18 participants from the 9 partners involved in the project met on March, 3rd at Palazzo Bo, in the city centre.
After a welcome address from the University of Padova, everyone introduced themselves and their organizations. An ECOSTAR project overview by Professor Davide Pettenella (University of Padova) officially started the meeting, followed by the presentation and discussion on WP1: Project management and Coordination by Alessandro Leonardi (University of Padova). After that, Sara Ziggiotti (University of Padova) focused on the financial and administrative reporting.
In the afternoon a talk by Kieran Conlan (Ricardo) & Ron Chan (University of Manchester) introduced us to the quality and monitoring plan, followed by Mauro Masiero (University of Padova) and his presentation and discussion on WP3: Research and Assessment of needs. Genevieve Bennett (Ecosystem Marketplace) focused on the EU market outlooks and then Lucio Brotto (University of Padova) discussed about the development of curricula and training material. The last speech was about communication and dissemination by Marta Bracciale (ETIFOR).